Monday, February 29, 2016

February 2016

Feb 6 little spring on Tower open all winter

February in 2016 was….funny.   The weather was neither snowy or very cold, the time flew by and Mark and Hilde really had some fun but leisurely activities.  As opposed to the usual struggle with bitter temps, dumps of snow and dark days, this was wonderful, but felt…odd.

The Henkel’s wedding anniversary on the 5th was very nice as it combined a stop at Teri Jenkins’ retirement party at Oso brew pub…that Lucius Maximus is a delicious beer which packs a punch!  Then off for a lovely dinner at the Sky Club, which reminded them that even after 44 years, they always enjoy time together and have plenty to talk about.

Emanuel Scheid, Mark's grandfather
Hilde has been working on copying and saving the old photos from Henkels, Scheids, Riebes, etc.  She has found some great photos, even a few old tintypes of Mark’s great-grandparents, but is saddened by the many, many pictures which can not be identified.  This is a work in progress and will take many more months just to  photograph, clean up and identify, after which comes the daunting task of starting back into genealogy after nearly 25 years and getting things into the computer.  She has already found that sharing photos thru facebook with distant cousins (especially Al Hodnett!) really speeds things up!

Mark has really been enjoying working on his radio while spending less time in the office.  He also has decided to upgrade the cooker for the maple syrup, so Mark and Hilde spent one afternoon on the road up north of Wausau, getting sheet steel for that.  The view of Rib Mountain from the north west must be beautiful at night with the runs lit.

Mark at EAA
The February taekwondo testing was short and sweet, with excellent black belt candidates.  There is a lot of satisfaction when even the white belts overcome their learning difficulties, persevere and improve.  Hilde also got to teach the UWSP classes one day---fun to work with adults who both know left from right and are able to learn quickly.

Feb 28 ditches full along Second Ave and 55 degrees
Mark and Hilde had one other outing for the month, spending a day at the EAA museum in Oshkosh.  What a wonderful place to revisit the past!  American history told from the flight viewpoint brings a whole new perspective.  The feats and heroics of those early flyers are awesome, and to have so many planes on display indoors is amazing.  They spent about 3 ½ hours absorbed in the collection before feet, knees and back protested.

All in all, February was fine this year for the Henkels.  The snow is almost gone, which is great, but the prospects for a good maple sap season are diminished.  As February Leap day ends, who knows how March will go? 

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