Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 2016

January went by quickly this year in Rudolph, with Mark and Hilde being HOME and eating at HOME (no Subway at all!) for the month except for visits to each side of the family.  They really needed the time to rest and catch up after the last hectic year and thoroughly enjoyed it.  The weather in central Wisconsin was mostly mild and gloomy, ending the month with cold rain and fog…first time Hilde has used an umbrella with winter coat and gloves to go to worship services in January!  As a counter to the dark skies and winter gloom, Mark ordered vegetable seeds and Hilde treated herself to a colorful bouquet.
Mark has been making good progress on his latest radio project and worked half-time for the month, giving a much more leisurely tempo to everything.  He also helped Hilde identify photos from the first of several boxes of old pictures from his side of the family.  Hilde has been trying to preserve them electronically, since both old and newer color ones are deteriorating.  There was even a pair of tintypes of his Schultz great grandparents as young people.  So many are blurred, and both undatable and  unidentifiable.  That’s very sad, but many are in good shape and have Granny’s scrawled identification in pencil on the back.  There are some Bormann and Heidemann photos to deal with next month…challenging work scrutinizing them, but interesting, too.

Lori and Curt orchard getting ready for baby O
Mark and Hilde headed to Rice Lake early in the month to visit his brother Phil and Connie---always good to get together with them, even the weather cooperated with clear roads and sunshine.  Mid month there were a couple of long tramps into the back of the hunting swamp, but no success at getting a photo of the otters which slide on the Elm Creek.  For the end of the month, they headed to Oconomowoc for a baby shower with many Bormanns gathered to celebrate the coming grandbaby for Hilde’s sister Terri. Since Jim had had a plumbing incident, Mark spent that time over there, fixing plumbing and assessing the floor damage. 
Lori, Leslie, Laure, Kim, Terri, Arlene, Lisa, Hilde  and Heidi

January was a good month, restful, contemplative and not much snow.   However, if the forecasts are correct---February is going to start with a major snow and wind storm, so winter is definitely not over yet.  From Rudolph, Mark and Hilde are hoping all family and friends stay warm and safe!

Sunset January 31

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