Monday, October 3, 2016

Super Stuffed September 2016

Giant rutabaga

September was seriously over-stuffed with both Mark and Hilde running at high speed.  It was a fine month for the bounty of garden (and rain) which kept the Henkels busy.  Having harvest coincide with all the budget meetings for Wood County is often a challenge, but this year more meetings (due to a serious budget shortfall) were wedged into Hilde’s schedule and a tasty avalanche of tomatoes meant many batches of tomato soup were cooked up and tucked into the freezer.  Friends and family benefited from the surplus---some 24 boxes of tomatoes were shared with neighbors, black belts, friends and First Law Group folks.  A dozen giant rutabaga were dug, with the surplus going to St. Paul’s fall bizarre, and for the first time the grape vine on the chimney produced enough for Hilde to made wild grape jelly---nummy!  Many batches of zucchini muffins and bread were frozen, corn relish made and even basil dried with only a tiny fire in the microwave.
Gordons Resort Door County
All month, Mark was in lots of meetings, as the law firm contemplated an offer for their building on Hoover.  Late in the month, with closing date set for late October, the hunt for new quarters began, entailing more meetings.  This will be a challenge, but surely is an interesting one.  In between meetings, Mark finally achieved an end to leaks from the main shed roof AND the roofers discovered the short length where the ice and water shield had failed to  adhere, solving the  5 months of leaks into Jim’s closet area.  This made everyone very happy!  Mark spent lots of time clearing and hauling brush from the fencerows…lots more to do on that before winter.
Mark checks new location for law firm?
It wasn’t all work:  Mark and Hilde took a short break in Door County enjoying the views and  hikes, enhanced by no cell coverage so no one could call them!  Hilde had a great day of face-to-face scrabble with Irene and the 50th reunion of Mark’s class from Winnebago Lutheran Academy was very pleasant.  Hilde ‘s extra meetings included a preparedness demo from a pipeline company and a day tour of Wood County projects, getting out on cranberry marshes, farm, airport and tour of waste treatment (more interesting than you would guess).  Getting outside for meetings is much better than sitting in the courthouse.
WLA reunion
Hilde’s mother scared them a little as she was admitted to hospital and had heart catherization, but now seems to be doing fine.  Hilde’s niece Leslie got engage, so next year will bring a wedding.  And Mark and Hilde acquired a sleek little black cat named Spock, who is a real cuddler and lively, too.  He is being kept mostly on the porch until the other, uninvited, visitors are eliminated.  Skunks have been rooting up the Henkel lawn and two neighbors.  Soon they will get taken care of.

Really tall sunflower
Combining business with pleasure, Mark and Hilde stopped en route to the counties convention to take Hilde’s mother to dinner.  Unfortunately a total downpour occurred as they arrived at a closed restaurant, but only Terri and Hilde got really wet.  Jim and Kayme brought the kids over for a fun family meal at Culvers.  Watching grandkids enjoy ice cream is a grand way to end the summer months!
In between all these activities, the Henkels took time to walk, take pictures, and just give thanks for the beauty of late summer and fall.  Everywhere they looked, there was color and abundance and lushness.   “Every prospect pleases” surely applies to fall in Wisconsin.

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