Friday, January 2, 2015

December 2014

This is the way December should be, full of family, friends and food!  For the first time in many years, Hilde and Mark were home for the entire month, and enjoyed many special days and nights with relatives and friends, right at home.

Hilde enjoyed baking up lots of good stuff—several stollens, fruitcakes and lots of cookies and candies to share and take to meetings.  There is always another recipe to try, or even chocolate Rudolphs to put together.

Wisconsin’s weather was a bit crazy during the month—it started at zero degrees, then the middle and later parts of the month were gloomy and wet with lots of fog as the snow melted and hung in the air.  Even the Rudolph Country Christmas was wet and foggy, but Terri and David came to visit that day, which meant it was fine inside despite the dreary weather.  All the decorations, music and activities helped to brighten things. 

Rudolph caught the edge of one snow system before Christmas,
so that there was wet packy snow for a short time for Rhiannon and Rowan to enjoy.  Rowan threw snow at Grandma and the “Jims” were all outside for fun building a snowman one damp but lovely morning.  Mark and Hilde had a great time since Jim, Kayme and the girls were here for three days including Christmas Eve.  John and Evie came for a visit after Christmas – and then Phil and Connie came for a visit also…what a joy to have Henkels and more Henkels around!

Hilde and Mark managed time with friends also:  one dinner out with Mark’s ‘trial team’ Sandy and Eric, one night with Dr. Stevens and Karen  and then Hilde’s crafts friends were able to come for an evening.  Getting folks out here is very often is tough in winter, since the steep driveway is challenging in snowy conditions!

Everyone in Wisconsin was rejoicing as the Packers won their way to the division championship and anticipation is building for the playoffs.  Green and Gold is the color scheme of the month! 

Hilde’s mom arrived safely in New Mexico to spend time with Steve and his family, all the relatives traveled safely around the US, and Mark recovered from a bout of flu fairly quickly, right in the middle of everything.  Hilde got to all the extra meetings and hearings and then just ignored county stuff for a couple of weeks, while Mark minimized work hours and truly relaxed.  It can’t get much better than that.

After some cold weather tree trimming, Mark and Hilde decided to stay home on NYE, feast quietly and enjoy old movies.  It was a very nice way to end one year and start off into another.

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