Friday, January 10, 2020

December 2019

What a wonderful, varied and full month December 2019 turned out to be!  Mark and Hilde had no “Christmas parties” or visitors, but were able to get out and visit others, so all was good.  In addition to celebrating Mark’s birthday, December is crammed full of birthdays:  Rhiannon’s, John’s, Hilde’s brother,  and those of two nephews, two nieces and several extended family, so lots of greetings and happiness.

The month started with snow on the 1st and Mark ended up plowing four times during the month, a new record for December.  Hilde baked up the usual storm of stollen, cookies and other goodies and shared them with family, friends and neighbors.   There were several gifts to finish, since she made four sweaters, four duffle bags, two quilts and several cross stitch items.   She also organized the church fruit baskets for the shut-ins, on a new schedule and in a great hurry, before heading to Chicago.

Mark and Hilde went to Chicago before Christmas to help out John with child care as Evie was doing interviews, and the youngsters not happy with Momma gone.  The cuddling and feeding of grandchildren (and John) was sheer pleasure!  Rosemary at 4 months is very alert and cheerful---while being held.  Hazel is much more verbal and  definitely observant and assertive at 2 years.

The December taekwondo testing was special as Dr. Stevens was able to attend and join his senior black belts for lunch afterward.    The whole group has many happy memories of helping with past testings, so getting together again was a high point of the month for all.  The bo dan and first dan candidates did very well, and the white belts well quite good too, all making their instructors very proud.

The Christmas gathering at Jim’s house was a wonderful time (even though Hilde forgot some gifts and they had to turn around halfway to grab them before continuing!).  Jim had just finished his stunning heritage table, using great initiative to design and produce it from wood saved from the Lomira farm.  It is big and beautiful---with enough room for 11 Henkels to feast at!  Kayme filled it with a wonderful Christmas feast for all eleven, too.   It was a joy to have all five grandchildren in one happy, noisy place, and Great-Grandma Arlene was brought over for some time to cuddle and enjoy it all. 

Before heading down to John’s for a day, Mark and Jim tackled replacing one sump pump and resealing it…Mark is not happy without doing some kind of fix-up job.  The day at John’s was very relaxing…a nice endcap for the holidays before heading north to Rudolph.
Besides the holiday activities, the Henkels had interesting events in other areas.  They were contacted by a woman who is very likely a cousin (hurray for more family!), Mark did his recertification in first aid for the YMCA, and the mouse saga of 2019 now includes a mouse in a bottle.  Unfortunately, it was located long after dying there…nasty!  Mark also finally persuaded the new printer to accept commands from his laptop, making the office at home work a bit more he continues to be “Mark the Unretired”.

As predicted, the year turned out to be the wettest on record for this area.  Everyone is hoping for some return to average, as there are STILL some unharvested fields around Rudolph.  However, the milder temps around the holidays allowed for easy, safe travel, although there was fog and eerie conditions at the end of the month.  As the year ended, Mark and Hilde were happily at home, counting many blessings and wishing a happy and healthy new year to all.