Saturday, May 4, 2019

April 2019

Like most of the Midwest, Wisconsin was cold and dreary the majority of the time in April  Two lesser snows and one DUMP of heavy wet snow was nasty for everyone, especially for the many rural folks whose pole barns lost roofs last month and felt enough was enough.  

Hungry Muskrat
Finally at the end of April the forsythia and crocuses bloomed, but everything else is awaiting more sun and warmth.

Krispie Chicks
The first week of April the maple sap really ran!  Since the ground was bare that week (the snow was later) Mark and Hilde decided to play it safe and have the neighbor do the finally syrup cooking…no outside flames in wildfire season.  Mark did not take the tractor chains off until April 29th, fearing yet another late storm, but the last blast went south and was mostly rain.

April marked a new venue and time for taekwondo testing, as it was held in the morning at Master Johnson’s studio.  It worked well and the many black belt helpers mean a very smooth and efficient process.  Right after Hilde printed all the certificates, the printer had a hissy fit which was FINALLY traced to a tiny fragment of paper which required inversion of printer, a high intensity flash light and tweezers to extricate.  The other small, but irritating breakdowns of the month included a coffee maker dying and the far corner of the garage door rusting off right at the cable attachment.  Mark’s metal stash and ingenuity allowed for that repair to work.

Easter Treats
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Hilde has been busy sewing, doing the finishing and quilting on both a baby quilt and a warm red-tones goose quilt.  She also made  new shower and window curtains as the start of spring cleaning and tackled another remnant baby quilt…still lots of fabric to use up in her and her mother’s stash.  She also enjoyed assembling and mailing a birthday gift for Caleb (he is 4 already!) and then Easter baskets and goodies for the four grandchildren.  Even when they are not able to be present, giving to the grandkids makes the grandparents happy.

Mark and Hilde used the few ‘good’ days productively and recreationally.  The apple and pears trees were thoroughly pruned, and they planted 50 balsam and 25 river birch.  The recreation was two trips to Horicon to spot the awaking and arriving creatures there, from muskrats to cranes, swans and ducks.  Spring time in that large refuge is surely enjoyable even in brisk winds and cool temps.

Easter was spent at John and Evie’s enjoying their company, Evie’s holiday feast and the delightful Hazel.  She is 18 months old and tries to copy her daddy’s sit ups and pushups, scoots all over and evens tries front kicks.  Hazel enjoyed two Easter egg hunts and Mark and Hilde enjoyed her!  It was warmer in Chicagoland with no snow, either.

The other inside tasks of spring have begun:  Mark has a fine crop of tiny tomato and pepper plants started and at the end of April, he started up the incubator for eggs.  The hatch should occur around the 18th of May…always something to look forward too.