Thursday, August 3, 2017

July 2017


Summer months can surely be full of varied activities, and this July was certainly that way for Mark and Hilde.  The month included many storms of both rain and wind, but only one small black walnut lost in Rudolph, unlike other folks.  The gardens and fruits are flourishing, along with hordes of mosquitoes, Japanese beetles and ticks.  Mark awoke mid month with a wood tick gnawing on him---actually three attempts in a row, all of which got rather inflamed, but not infected.

TKD parade crew
July was also the month that Mark and Hilde did more taekwondo promotion:  walking in the Fourth of July parade in Stevens Point, and then teaching intro classes at day camps at the YMCA and outside intro classes at the Glacier Hollow camp.  Intro classes are always fun as kids enjoy their exposure to the sport and absolute technique is not the goal.

The garden and berries kept both Henkels busy in July.  Right on schedule the cherries ripened for the Fourth of July, as the double poppies added red to the flower beds.  Then on to the blackcaps and blueberries, which have finally really gotten going.  Starting about the 9th, they have been picking blueberries every other day and enjoying fresh, in cakes, breads and smoothies, and of course, on ice cream and oatmeal.    The succession of bloom in July runs from the brilliant red poppies to black-eyed susans, to the flame colors of lilies, with a lovely tall yucca silhouetted against the west fence line.

The month included family time, too.  Mark and Hilde drove down for the graduation party of her youngest nephew, Jarod, getting to see lots of Bormann relatives, all doing fine.  Then later in the month Mark and Hilde descended on Jim’s house to muscle the yard shed into position perpendicular to the ground, re-side it and then build the sliding door.  They also got to enjoy time with Jim, Kayme and the grandkids.

Ice cream and Caleb
Hilde noticed that the unpleasant tenor of the local meetings mirrors that of national politics, with ever increasing venom and decreasing accuracy.  Despite that, she is meeting her goal of trying to sweeten the meetings during this last year with goodies like cherry coffee cake, lemon-zucchini cake and blueberry bread.  With long meetings, a little treat can’t hurt!   Mark met once again with his former partners as the books are finally coming to a close on the First Law Group.  Just as the law grinds along slowly, closing up legal businesses takes quite a while.  Mark is working on another stray voltage case and one day was spent in a tiny court in Trempealeau County listening to some witnesses who will be involved in Mark’s case.

Hilde and Mark got to enjoy a small thresheree in Rosholt and then a relaxed day with dinner out for Hilde’s 66th birthday, with lots of greetings from friends.  All in all, July was a sweet month with variety, color and great times.

Cutting metal for door

Lovely lilies