Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Long, long January 2017

January is often a let down after all the family and gatherings around Christmas, but January 2017 managed to be both challenging and have some high points in Rudolph.  Mark and Hilde surely enjoyed the start, as the packers looked great and won three tough games before losing the NFL championship, but Mark spent the early part of the month with a pesky cold---couldn’t even go to taekwondo the first week.  The weather was the news for the entire month, including some VERY cold weather in a four-day stretch, but after all, January in Wisconsin is like that. 

With the outdoors unfriendly, Hilde did a lot of craft work and managed to make a slew of ornaments for future use and a really nice baby afghan and then some cross stitch.  She is continues to try to use some of the stores of craft materials, and enjoys the challenge.

The weather caused some different challenges when 9 inches of very sticky snow caused a power outage which left Mark and Hilde bundling up and struggling to read by candle and lamp light.  They are glad they had the lamp, but were not happy to realize that the lamp oil was stored in the big shed.   Fortunately, Mark was able to retrieve that before the hideously howling winds picked up.  Just before they mounted a reluctant expedition to shovel out the access to the generator, the lights came on and the furnace warmed things up.  Flannel sheets surely are a blessing in January, and the WONDERFULLY warm slippers which they got from John and Evie were very helpful!

A prolonged thaw melted a lot of snow into winter fog and made for very low light and short range visibility for nearly a week…being on a high point in Wood County means the Henkels are sometimes up in the clouds…that helped get rid of one bout of freezing rain which had vehicles sliding off of Tower Road and many tales of slip and falls.  It was bad enough that county board was postponed for a week, first time in memory.  The quiet time led to Mark and Hilde reminiscing about “old times” and they are thinking about writing up some of his memories of life in Lomira back then and then perhaps more about his law practice.  There sure are some odd stories there to retell.

It was slushy and drizzling later in the month when Hilde’s youngest brother, Brian, worked on clearing his building site near Westfield, with help from brother Ray, nephews Jim and Jarod and of course Brian wife Anne and sons Erich and Ehren.  The Bormann crew got a lot of trees down on a slippery slope, and Hilde and Mark enjoyed visiting and getting the gator tour of the prop0erty.  The final result should be beautiful, as the site is fantastic.  It was good to see Jim and pass along some goodies and gifts.

In an echo of the national nastiness, a couple of malcontents on county board decided to be very unpleasant and make false statements about Hilde.  Although they were voted into silence, the reminder that people will willfully lie about  someone because they don’t like them is so distasteful.  Thank God those types are the minority and most folks DO try to work together and find solutions instead of creating problems.

The long dark month finished with tax work as mark and Hilde gathered all the records and dug in on them.  They also galumphed into town with the farm truck (1978 F150 and going strong!) to pick up the new sofa and tables for the law office.  They also managed a fun lunch with Loren and Claudette.  He is recuperating from a fall and has one of the “knee crutches” to skate around with.  That’s a bit tough in the winter! 

The last night of the month, the crescent moon was low on the horizon as they drove home from taekwondo and then slowly hazed into the clouds of a snow squall---it was beautiful.  The end of January is always a triumph---the worst of winter is past and the sun is moving north and gladdening everyone.