What an awesome October everyone in Wisconsin has
enjoyed! The fall colors were fabulous,
the weather warm (for October) and just all-over fine. Mark and Hilde enjoyed frequent trips to
various lovely spots, like Lake Emily, Lake Sherwood, Horicon Wildlife Refuge,
Hartman Creek, and a conservancy area by West Bend. Wisconsin put on quite a show this year, not
the most brilliant colors, but a slow segue from one highlight to another.
While Hilde was canning, jamming and baking up all the
goodies, Mark was dealing with a different sort of harvest. The First Law Group building was sold as of
the end of October and the six partners met, discussed and finally decided their
practices would work best in a new set-up.
The exact format, location and other details are still being worked on. All
Hilde asks is that last year’s lawsuit, which has gone up on appeal, does NOT
result in another December in rural Iowa!
There was another happy addition to the clan as Hilde’s
niece Rachel had a sweet little daughter named Elliana Rae. Jim and Kayme’s Rowan turned FOUR in
October---she is the most cuddly sweetheart, with a big smile. Hope that your fall has been this much fun!