Friday, April 1, 2016

March 2016

March madness does not necessarily include anything basketball…the Henkels managed a very busy month and never watched a game.  As all the snow melted and the temps were above normal early in March, they feared this would be a year without effective sap run, but they were wrong.  Even better, the sap ran during the week off of taekwondo so the things worked very smoothly for three days of cooking and a good supply of syrup for family pancakes.  This is the first year it was snowless in the swamp….but deep mud is equally challenging while carrying sap buckets!

But maple syrup was only part of the month, which included visits to both sons and special times.  Mark and Hilde headed to Jim and Kayme’s early in the month and Hilde got to visit with her mom, and then play with grandkids while Jim and Mark did the painstaking cutting and setting of the new kitchen floor.  Two big guys, tools and appliances pulled out for access, all crammed into a small space, but they managed very nicely.  Not only does the floor look great, but the appliances were reinstalled without incidents!  That weekend ended with Rhiannon and Rowan singing with other children at church, which was sweet.

Hilde has continued to work through the old pictures, copying and identifying the best she can with Mark’s help.  His cousin Bill has added some of his collection, so the genealogy picture collection is growing.  Mark and Hilde also filled in covering the UWSP taekwondo class one day, which is always enjoyable.  They also went to La Crosse for a conference and began talking to roofing guys in preparation for that project.  Many roofing folks out there, but some do not seem very businesslike.  The Henkels are eager to get that project taken care of.

For Easter, Mark and Hilde went to Palatine and enjoyed a weekend with John and Evie.  The project for Saturday was removing the old, leaking shower in the master bath, which provided some real challenges.  Again, two big guys in a small space working at awkward angles, then hauling out chunks of cement from the old base.  A chisel did slip, resulting in the demolition of the toilet, but heck, these things happen, don’t they?  They always enjoy spending time with the next generation, and Evie provided a great Easter feast.

March also featured a new addition to the family:  Hilde’s nephew and godson, Curt, became a Daddy:  mom Lori and little Henry David Orchard are doing fine!  The expanding family is such fun.  The real question each day:  will he wear purple or green and gold?

The one heavy snow left quickly, the trees are beginning to bud, the crocuses have cheered us…even though it is chilly and slushing outside at the end of the month, spring is arriving.


Evie's sunroom, so cozy!

First crocus while cooking sap