Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 2014--A Delightful Month!

Wow!  May was quite a month, and so full of fresh air and exercise that Mark and Hilde feel like they have been in training.  Being home and having good weather has led to lots of things getting done and a wonderful  month of flowers and  greening.  The extra long winter meant that spring was compressed into a ‘fast-forward’ mode, with each day bringing new flowers and bird visitors, so the air was sweet with fragrance and alive with birdsong.  Can’t ask for much more than that!

Rowan and Rhiannon like their shades!
Mark and Hilde enjoyed tripping into the woods for the wild flower succession, from the first bloodroot and plum brush to the lush hepaticas, trilliums and marsh marigolds.  But they also spent many happy hours weeding the three berry batches, cutting up, splitting and stacking the  dead wood, mowing, planting and pruning and just working outside.  Since there was plenty of rain, the lawn and gardening is off to a very good start! The major push was over Memorial Day weekend, when both of the very large gardens were planted, just before an inch of rain to settle things in.  Mark also yanked out the defunct cherry bush hedge, after many years of lovely flowers.  The only down side of the outdoor work was the ticks and, in the end of the month, jumbo mosquitoes.  The mosquitoes , as often seems to happen with a short  spring, were voracious even in high sun when Hilde painted picnic tables and benches.  While the ‘senior’ Henkels were aching after some of the heaviest exertions, as Mark pointed out, ”we did it and kept doing.”

Mark yanking out bushes
May was a great month for socializing and getting together with friends.  Hilde enjoyed lunches with Alana, Donna, Claudette, the crafts gals, Dr. Stevens and meeting Mark at the river for lunch.  There were many things to celebrate in May, with graduations, birthdays and anniversaries.  Having such abundant and wonderfully scented flowers on the fruit trees and exuberant blossom on the lilacs and bushes made the Henkel hilltop just delightful.  It was a great month to give thanks and rejoice.

plum brush

Coffee supervises the labor force

Apple trees, cherry trees and crabapples on right--delicious promise!