Cold, but triumphant hunters |
Ray Bormann with 6 of 12 grandchildren |
Mark and Jim were some of the brave and hardy Wisconsin hunters out in the bitter cold conditions of opening day. Mark got a good-sized spike buck and the guys managed to butcher it on that Sunday before the carcass froze solid. It is always good to have venison in the freezer for those great roasts and stews: venison sausage will be coming soon!
Another law suit took Mark (and so Hilde) to Lake City MN on the west shore of Lake Pepin. What a beautiful area---they would like to go back when it is above freezing, maybe even with some live vegetation and really enjoy the place. Mark would like to have his farm visits in slightly warmer weather also…but on the plus side, there was no fly problem at this time of the year!
Hilde was hobbled by extra meetings and several zoning issues to deal with, but she managed to get together for lunch with the crafts gals one day and with Claudette another day. After getting her physical and scans taken care of, Hilde also found a couch to replace the sagging, 24-year-old-survived-the-boys couch which suffered from dissolving cushions and shredding upholstery. The new couch is firm and upright, designed for sitting, not lounging, and makes her smile to see it in place.
The start of the holiday season means baking and family gatherings. This year five of the Bormann siblings gathered at Brian and Anne’s house in Sussex for Thanksgiving, with both parents in attendance. It was a warm and delicious day, despite another Packer loss. Ray and Arlene’s grandkids are all maturing and interesting to talk to. Ray and Arlene have now settled in to the assisted living and even hosted a cookie-baking afternoon there for the family.
In Rudolph, Hilde has baked the traditional Schultz family fruitcakes and started dousing them with brandy. Cookies and candies will begin in December, but Rhiannon helped by decorating the pretzels. Yes, the month closed out with a lively visit from Jim, Kayme, Rhiannon and Rowan. The girls are growing rapidly and moving even more rapidly. Hilde is convinced that Rowan said PACK while waving the green and gold pompoms. Rhiannon is learning Christmas songs and a Bible verse; Rowan is a sweet little cuddler who thought Grandma’s many chicken pictures were very funny. It is very precious indeed to see these little ones with their parents in church beside us.
Now on into Advent, always a time to return to the real joy of our Savior. Every December is a time to say with Luther:
“Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Prepare a bed, soft undefiled
Within my heart, made clean and new,
A quiet chamber kept for you.”
Rhiannon tasting while decorating |
Rowan training with pompoms |