Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jumbled June

 June started off with Hilde cramming five meetings (one six hours long!) into three days, which was exhausting but efficient.  With June turning out to be a record-setting month for rain (only 8 days without measurable precept!), it was very hard to get the rest of the garden in and the lawn mowed to any respectable level, but somehow things got done.

Mark and Hilde had one special evening early in the month at the members open house for the new Jung Carriage House at old Wade House in Greenbush.  The collection of wagons of all sorts are beautiful and colorful, ranging from sleds and sleighs to an ornate hearse, beer wagon and other kinds of vehicles, even a children’s dog cart..  What a neat place!  Wisconsin’s historical sites are very interesting.  It was a beautiful and memorably dry drive home in the dusk.

Things were relatively quiet for a while until the 12th, when, in a downpour, Hilde’s parents, Ray and Arlene, were in a nasty car accident.  Arlene was crunched pretty badly with 3 ribs, scapula on the left side and the tibia in her right leg broken.  Ray, who has extremely fragile bones and dementia, did not fare well:  he has four vertebra fractured and is simply not improving much.  The doctors think Arlene is doing well.  They don’t sound optimistic about Ray, and don’t feel surgery on the back is an option.  Right now both are in a rehabilitation center, sharing a room, but Ray is on hospice care and Arlene getting therapy to try to get her mobile again.  Seeing them both in wheelchairs is hard to take – but they are both staying fairly cheerful, and Ray is not in pain, just sleeping lots.  In just a moment, life can change very quickly.  The family is trusting  in God’s plan for them.

Despite having most of their attention and prayers centered down in Menomonee Falls, Mark and Hilde had lots of other, mundane things to fit into the month:  duct cleaning was an all day event, and Mark replaced the pressure tank without flooding or bloodshed.  Mark had a streak of depositions in Madison, with five days in the end of the month, plus a couple visits down to the hospital. With Jim located only 10 minutes away from the hospital, the visits there were followed by joyous romps and cuddling with Rhiannon and Rowan, who is crawling rapidly and trying to follow Rhi or Mommy everywhere.

So time flew by for June, much of it spent on the road, or mowing and weeding.  All that rain meant very lush growth, and some beautiful strawberries.  We give thanks for the beauty and bounty and for the protection of Hilde's parents.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 2013

A great show of trilliums this year
Justin n Alana--first gig  as married couple
Rhiannon and Kayme
Those handsome Henkel guys!
 May was a transition month as the weather went from snow flurries in the beginning of the month (and flannel sheets still on beds!) to monsoons at the finale with over 5 inches of rain flooding fields and super-saturating Rudolph clay loam.  It is now very wet out there.  The change in weather has resulted in the delicious asparagus and wonderful spring flowers, started the relentless mowing of the nearly three acres and brought out a very heavy crop of TICKS.  That last has been a real irritation, as Mark had three of the more than a dozen found on him which dug in and got nasty.  Perhaps someone should find a natural predator for these things and sell boxes of them to beleagured country folks.

May is always full of graduations, weddings and gatherings.  Mark and Hilde couldn’t get to all of the friends and family events, but rejoiced in niece Heidi’s graduation and return to Wisconsin, nephew Jarod’s confirmation and several other events.  They did travel to Milwaukee for the annual bar convention with some pampering at the Pfister and a great German meal, as Mark got the rest of his continuing education credits for the year.

The highlight of the month was the gathering of Henkels for wedding of niece Alana to Justin Laufman in Rice Lake.  The couple was radiant and perfectly in tune for their oboe-tuba duet of  ‘love’ly music and everyone had a great time.  Kayme played beautifully  for the service and the new header photo is the family at the event.  John and Jim up-grade events when they both wear their tuxes!   However, the sweetest award goes to the girls:  Rhiannon and Rowan in the heirloom handmade dresses from their great-grandmother.  Music at the reception was great, and the guys slipped outside to review nuances of the 7th degree black belt form, so everyone was happy.

May also turned out to be a month of good-byes as  first neighbor Mert Hartjes, then three weeks later for his wife Louise, and also one of the original law partners,  Neil Conway died

Mark and Hilde finished the month with actual vacation (9 ½ days straight for Mark--  that’s unusual) which gave them time to plant half the garden, enjoy working around the house, spend a day relaxing at Lake Emily, going out to the range with Dr. Stevens, and even work on hobbies, go to lumberyards and be contemplative.  That’s a great way to start summer!

John and Evie

Rhiannon and Rowan