Friday, January 4, 2013

December 2012

Mark's birthday at Jenkins
Grandma Hilde and Rhiannon go sledding
John and Evie
Rowan just watching the action
 2012 came to a happy conclusion for Mark and Hilde in a dazzling December, full of family, festivities and fun…plus just a little food!  Hilde spent lots of time baking an assortment of cookies, candies, stollen and even cinnamon popcorn, to be sure there was plent to go around.  Taking stollen to the committees meetings made for a much happier atmosphere there.  Fitting the meetings in around parties and trips was a little tricky, but it worked out.

Mark celebrated his birthday in three distinct pieces this year.  First he and Hilde had a special night out ---Mark skipped his radio net and Hilde the town board meeting to fit that in.  Once in a while, the responsibilities just need to be dropped!  They attended the Jenkins’ party for the Army Navy game on his birthday.  Mark was surprised when Teri brought him a cupcake, and we all sang happy birthday!  That evening was also the annual black belt Christmas party, where kiddies kick the piƱata and a svelte Santa delivered gifts to Dr. Stevens---and also joined in a birthday chorus to Senior Master Mark!  It was a lovely day.

After such a traveling year, it was wonderful for Mark and Hilde to be home every night of the month.  Sometimes that made for long travel days, but it was worth it.  While Hilde’s ears did not return to normal, they did improve, so that organ music didn’t hurt and fewer things had to be repeated to her.

Wisconsin put on her snow coat (17 inches in December) for the holidays, but the snow did not stop any of the family from coming or going and made everything very lovely. Jim and Kayme brought their beautiful daughters for 2 ½ days, giving time for sledding and cuddling and a third Christmas Eve with Rhiannon.  This year she was able to open all the gifts, stay away from the stairs and didn’t take things off the tree.  Christmas with a small happy child is really special.  Rowan mostly ate, cooed and watched things.  Christmas day Mark and Hilde joined the Fritz family for wonderful fellowship, food and even games.  John and Evie came to Rudolph right after Christmas and helped the parental units mellow out.  They all celebrated John’s birthday a day early and got some great relaxing in.

To close out the year, Mark and Hilde went to Sussex for one day, where Mark and Jim wired his basement for freezers and workshop.  Hilde went over to visit with her parents, finding Ray looking much improved and relaxed.  During the basement work, mark walked into the head-high sewer pipe but despite the surface wounds, had no real problems.  So 2012 came to a quiet end and the Henkels gave thanks for a wonderful year over-flowing with blessings.   Happy New Year to you all!

Lamplit on the snow